The Little Things

I looked at a calendar the other day and it hit me that we have been open for over a month already. Time flies when you’re doing split squats, right?! Every day I am encouraged by the improvements shown, and I hope you are too. We have a solid base right now, you are all working hard and it is paying off. I want to make sure these improvements continue, and we remember the important little things that will help us grow as athletes. I made it down to CrossFit 204 this weekend to watch some amazing people perform amazing acts of strength. It reminded me of the dedication and hard work necessary to get to that level. With that in mind I decided to write this. Over this past month I have noticed a few things occurring in our home that I would like to correct now, before they become habits. As Frank Costanza would say:




1) The warm up:
Some of you arrive nice and early for class, and I’m thrilled about that. However, going through the warm-up early and following that up by grabbing a seat back on the bench is highly ineffective. You need to BREAK A SWEAT! Then stay warm until your class begins. Do rowing sprints, AirDyne sprints, practice Double Unders, toss a couple DB swings in there, some slow air squats to grease the groves, do a few push ups (on the floor/bench/wherever). Spend extra time getting mobile. Come talk to me, I have plenty of fun things you can add to your warm up routine.

2) The cool down:
Sometimes we finish a workout and before we record the numbers, some members are already at the door. I understand that being with me for an hour is tough, but stick around after, roll out or ask me for some good post workout stretches. Now I don’t mean sit on the floor with the foam roller under your calves, I mean REALLY roll out, hang out in those uncomfortable spots.

3) Put Your Weights Away:
I’m going to start charging Turkish get-ups for every pound left out right away… YouTube it.

4) Proper Form, No Matter the Object:
We see great form from you when performing the prescribed exercises. So how come when it is time to pick up the DB for split squats our members suddenly turn into Quasimodo? Setting your back before a deadlift is just as important as setting your back before you pick up a cooler. Hinge at the hips when you are spitting your tooth paste in the sink, how about a stiff legged deadlift when picking up that purse? We need to transfer what we are learning in the gym to our everyday lives.

5) Focus:
I have absolutely no problem with people having fun during the workouts, that’s why we are here right? To enjoy ourselves. But, nothing fills me with more anxiety than noticing someone continue a conversation during a lift. When it is time to work, the conversation is put on hold, you focus on what you are about to do and that is it. If you are given a cue from a coach, don’t turn to look where they are, keep focused and listen to what the coach is trying to correct. Focus is crucial, especially when attempting a heavy lift. Soon enough you will find a beautiful Zen moment in the bottom of a heavy squat, it’s a wonderful thing.

I don’t want this to sound like this is some epidemic that keeps me up at night, it’s not, rather these are just little things I realized were important once I started to take training seriously. I had people like Brendan telling me the importance of a good warm-up before a workout, or how I needed to focus before a lift and visualize myself performing. But I was too cool for that stuff. Instead, I would jump right into the workout with my headphones on, getting psyched up from my Limp Bizkit album blaring so loud I couldn’t hear any cues. I shake my head and wonder how he even put up with coaching me some times. Sure I saw results, but I hit a plateau very quickly. It wasn’t until I began doing the little things and really listening to him that I started to see real results. Let me wrap this up. If I have learned anything from the Costanzas, it’s the importance of finishing on a high note (I base about 80% of my life on Seinfeld episodes, so get used to it). We want the best for all of you, it’s why we decided to do this. Keep coming to class with a great attitude, use these suggestions to benefit your training experience, and together we will work towards your goals. Lets get at it!


  • bso

    February 18, 2013 @ 12:01 am

    Great post Kyle!
    My favorite pre-mobility warm-up protocol for breaking a sweat is…
    3 rounds:
    1 minute AirDyne
    1 minute Row
    1 minute Jump Rope
    I do this all at about 75-85% depending on how I’m feeling… I also wear a toque and/or a hoodie. Gets me sweating everytime!

  • ColinDarling

    February 18, 2013 @ 8:54 pm

    Well said, Kyle.

  • ColinDarling

    February 18, 2013 @ 8:56 pm

    I was giving someone a hard time earlier this week because they were continuing a conversation as they were picking up a weight for a back squat. Focus!

  • Tapout

    February 19, 2013 @ 2:43 am

    Thnx for great post kyle…and some great reminders that we tend to slack on…

  • 21/02/2013 | CrossFit Steinbach

    February 21, 2013 @ 2:50 pm

    […] from Sublime Strength & Conditioning in Winnipeg, posted this earlier this week. His post is about the little things you can and should consider when training, […]

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